Tuesday 2 April 2013

Packing for Umrah

So you are going for Umrah. What do you need to pack?

Source: Google image

Since it's my first time going on my own, I was searching blogs to prepare for the trip, but couldn't find much. Although we were given a list of what to pack by the travel agency, it was just a guide. I'm hoping that my list will help other first timers.

Here's the list we were given by the travel agency. I crossed out the items we didn't use.


Ihram (2 pairs)
Tali pinggang (1)
Baju biasa (2)
Baju Melayu (2 pasang)
Singlet berlengan (4 helai)
Seluar panjang (2 helai)
Kain Pelikat (3 helai)
Tuala mandi (2 helai)
Tuala kecil (1 helai)
Stokin (2 pasang)
Selipar Getah (1 pasang)
Kasut biasa (lembut)

Hubby wore mostly jubah over there. So he didn't really needed to pack the rest of the items.


Telekung sembahyang (2 pasang)
I needed at least one for every day that I'm there. I used them for solat, Umrah, sunat tawaf - I practically lived in them. I will talk about doing laundry there in a another post which hopefully will be helpful for you to decide how many to bring for yourself.

Mini telekung (2 pasang)
I did not find a need for these. Some people may prefer to use these, though.

Baju kurung (3 pasang)
Baju maxi (2 pasang)
I find that wearing a jubah is very convenient for me. Further, the charge for laundry is cheaper for a jubah than it is for baju kurung :)
Laundry takes a day to be ready. So the number of pairs you need depends on how often you want to send your clothes for laundry.

Baju tidur & seluar panjang (2 pasang)
Just bring whatever you usually wear to sleep. You may also want to bring comfortable clothes for when you hang out in your hotel room.

Stokin (3 pasang)
I lost count of how many I used. Depending on your itinerary, you can adjust this amount to suit you.
Since I don't wear the bottom part of the telekung there, I used a pair of socks during solat.
Considering the number of people there, you can expect the floors to be rather dusty. You can be assured you'll definitely need to change to a new pair after tawaf.

Sarung tangan (1 pasang)
Find a good fit - make sure it doesn't slip. This is to be used during Umrah, specifically the tawaf.

Tuala mandi (2 helai)
Tuala kecil (1 helai)
I did not find a need to bring these as the hotel provided them. I'm not sure the reason they included towels in the list. Maybe some accommodations don't provide them? You may want to confirm with your agency as these take up a chunk of luggage space.

Selipar getah (1 pasang)
Any shoes will do, water-proof is probably better.

Kasut biasa (1 pasang)
These are to be used when you are doing your visits.

I brought a shoe bag as I was advised to take my shoes everywhere with me since I won't know for sure which part of the mosque I may end up praying.

I think that's about it. Will update in case I think of anything else :)

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